Drepung Loseling Institute - Spiritual Development Program
Drepung Loseling Institute, an affiliate of Emory University
  The Art of
  A Talk by Geshe Lhakdor
  Saturday, February 11, 2006
2-4 pm, Free

We apologize but this talk is currently full. Please sign up for our e-news to learn of other events at the center.


This talk will look into the nature of anger, hatred and violence from the Buddhist perspective and offer time-tested meditative techniques for transforming these destructive emotions into patience, tolerance and love, drawing from the sixth chapter of Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara, or Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life. Shantideva offers profound meditative techniques that are as relevant today as they were when he composed the text. Throughout the centuries, both in India and in Tibet, Buddhist contemplatives and scholars have relied on this timeless classic as a personal guide for dealing with emotions and transforming personal and social lives.

The Drepung Loseling Institute is honored to host this talk by Geshe Lhakdor, to coincide with his visit to Emory University as the Distinguished Halle Fellow from February 9-16, 2006

Geshe Lhakdor has served His Holiness the Dalai Lama as his translator and religious assistant since 1989. In this capacity he has accompanied His Holiness to many important conferences and forums throughout the world. He has translated numerous books by His Holiness from English to Tibetan and from Tibetan to English. Geshe Lhakdor is a trustee of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility, established by His Holiness. He is also the Director of the Central Archive of His Holiness, a member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Tibetan Classics in Montreal, Canada, and an Honorary Professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He was recently appointed the Director of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives.


This talk is free of charge.
A voluntary offering to the teacher is recommended.


  Drepung Loseling Institute
2531 Briarcliff Road, Suite 101
Atlanta GA 30329

Registration deadline: February 6, 2006. FULL

For Information/Registration, please call the Institute at: 770-938-9709 
or e-mail us at:  institute@drepung.org